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Little Things that Lead to Big Things


Do you know your list of “little things?”. The little things that put a smile on your face, help bring you back to the present, and remind you that life is full of a million little moments that we often take for granted? 

I remember being in the car and asking my husband, “what would you say are little things that make me happy?”. I’m not going to lie, I was somewhat surprised because he knew a lot of them! The funny thing to me is that even as he was going through the list of things, I was smiling just thinking about it because they truly are the seemingly most unimportant things, but I love them all. 

Over the years, I have realized the importance of finding small things to appreciate in life that don’t cost a lot of money or require others in order to bring a sense of joy. I started doing this because I knew there would be days that weren’t so great, and I knew it would be important to remind myself that the seemingly unimportant or insignificant things I do every day in life have meaning and add value to my mood and my ability to move through whatever the circumstance may be. 

I had previously only had my list of little things in my head, but I recently wrote it down so that I could keep adding to it over the years as well as watch to see if anything changed or shifted with my list. So far I have 10, and for the sake of the exercise, I will share my 10. 

  1. Coffee

  2. The sun

  3. My bed

  4. My quiet time/bible study

  5. Sweatshirts/robes

  6. Pizza Friday

  7. Pop (or soda depedning on where you're from)

  8. Walking

  9. Running

  10. Reading/laying in the hammock

As you can see, there’s nothing fancy or mind blowing about any of these activities/things, but they all bring a sense of joy and have left a big impact on my level of contentment in life. Coffee in the morning is one of my favorite things, and I usually drink it during my quiet time. Taking this hour in the morning is pivotal in setting my mind for the day. In my eyes, there is nothing better than a clear day with the warm sun shining on my face while I sit in the hammock and read a book, go for a walk, or run through the park.

Pizza friday is something I decided to do a couple years into being married. For one, I love pizza, but two, having it on a Friday night is fun to celebrate the end of the week with no cooking. That’s right, this isn’t a fancy pizza. It’s Red Baron. Oh, and if there’s pop to go with it, even better. And I can’t forget about the simple joys of changing out of work clothes and throwing on a sweatshirt or robe to engulf myself in comfort. If you haven’t done this, what are you waiting for?

Which then leads to the end of my day, when I hop into bed, and think, thank goodness I have a bed to sleep in (and for those of us who have ever slept on the floor, in a tent, or somewhere that’s not a bed….we know there’s nothing better than coming back to your nice, warm, soft, bed). 

While this exercise might seem trivial/cheesy, and this blog may not be anything groundbreaking or mind blowing, I hope it inspires you to think about the little things in life that don’t cost much and don’t require other people to “make it happen”. Things that you can do on your own that put a smile on your face, bring you back to the present, and remind you that little things can often lead to big things.

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